As a public service function of the Mayville District Public Library, the Community Room shall be offered to public or private groups for use as a meeting facility. The room capacity is 45 with a setup of tables and chairs.
Sales or bartering of products or services will not be permitted without permission of the Library Director.
Meeting room is free unless the group plans to have food or beverages or if they plan to do hands-on activities, such as painting or gluing. In which case, a deposit of $50.00 will be charged and will be returned when satisfactorily inspected.
Renters will have to sign a Room Use Form at the desk, which is subject to Library Director's approval.
Library Hours
Monday - Friday 10:00-6:00
Saturday 10:00-2:00
6090 Fulton St.
P.O. Box 440
Mayville, MI 48744
Contact Us
Phone : (989) 843-6522
Fax: (989) 843-0078