History of the Library

Our History

An american flag is flying in front of a white building

The Mayville District Public Library began as a children's library, started by a Brownie Troop in the home of Mrs. Willard Phelps. However there were so many donations of books for all purposes and ages, that several ladies were interested in starting a public library for Mayville. They met and originated a Library Club to raise funds and make it a reality.

Funds were raised by means of teas and rummage sales, and the village furnished the west room of the building, which sat on the corner of Turner and Trend Streets. The library was first opened to the public in the spring of 1950, when Mrs. Zella Hall was appointed as the first librarian. She acted in this capacity for seven years, during which time the library was accepted as a village institution and a Village Library Tax of one-half of a mil was voted toward its support.

After twelve years in its original location, the library outgrew its quarters and on June 10, 1962, was moved next door to property which was also donated by the village.

In 1970, land was donated at 6090 Fulton Street and a building was erected. In 2004, after approval of a district-wide millage, and the donation of the Mayville Pharmacy building by John & Lois Sittu, the library and pharmacy merged to become one building. The updated building is over 5,000 square feet, circulates over 20,000 items, has wireless Internet access, and is well-used by the residents of the area.

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